The Temple Sinai family is a vibrant, thriving community that holds close its core values and vision of worship, is vested in the community, and is alive with congregants and students who are enriching the lives of others.
Temple Sinai is a community treasure for our families, with multiple touch points throughout the Jewish life cycle, from preschool to exclusive senior programming.
Our vision reflects the passion, dedication, and commitment of our congregational family to look forward and strive to attain our goals for the future. We invite you to come and be a part of it. CLICK HERE to join our family.
Upcoming programs and events
JLL Presents: "Pickle My Fancy" Pickle Making with Barry Glusman and Ilana Shapiro
Thursday, Nov 14th 6:30p to 8:00p
JLL Presents: Why are Jewish Families Complicated with Rabbi Leigh Lerner
Thursday, Dec 5th 6:30p to 8:00p
JLL Presents:
Thursday, Jan 30th 6:30p to 8:00pDuring this session, we will discuss the history and impact of the Prophets on Reform Judaism as a movement, as well as the creation of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. We will also learn about ways individuals can become involved in the RAC's work through several non-partisan issues.